Why we develop modularly

Custom software can be quite labour-intensive. Especially if everything has to be coded "from scratch". With modular development, this is no longer necessary. Our modular approach allows us to build on what we have already built. It also makes the software more flexible and creates room for truly valuable customisation.

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    Modular development

    Modular software works as a whole, but consists of a collection of separate modules. Each module is designed to perform specific functionality. Often, a module is built from multiple components. A software module is a kind of 'package' that works as an independent unit and interacts with other modules. Many modules for basic functionality can therefore be standardised and, in addition, additional customisation can easily be added as a module.


    An example of a standard module is "Authentication". All functionalities associated with authentication are included in this module. Think 'account creation', 'login', 'password recovery' etc. We have rich experience in building multiple authentication processes. This experience forms the basis for the standard module. This module offers several options for different login requirements. This allows you to set up and customise a login to the customer's specific needs in a short time. The same goes for other basic functionalities. Thus, in 20% of time, most of the app is already finished!


    In addition, it is easy to add unique functionalities to the application if it is also built as a module. For example, a customer may have special needs that are not covered by the standard modules. In that case, we can develop a specific module for the customer's needs.


    Modular development also makes it easier for customers to adapt their applications over time as needed. They can easily replace existing modules or add new features built as separate modules. In essence, modular software is hugely flexible. So you never have to start from scratch and have a platform you can work with going forward.


    Modular development is the future. As the demand for software increases, it becomes increasingly important to optimise development. The advantages of speed and flexibility are undeniable. And as technology advances, the application possibilities of modular development will also increase.