Get an app made by an app developer with knowledge and experience

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    app to be created for your business, you have a great idea and now? SevenLab is happy to help you make your new idea or existing business concrete or perhaps more automated. What is possible within what time frame? Our IT accelerator will help you translate your wishes to the development team.
    We support the entire process from initial idea to successful presentation on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Our apps come from passion and perseverance. Sounds good? Then read on about our capabilities

    make an app

    App design and usability

    Getting an app made is nice but what all does an app need to meet these days. Apps should be beautiful and nice to use for the user. Our creative team can perfectly combine these aspects and come up with a app design proposal. Failed apps are enough and having an app made should be a success project. For 100%, SevenLab focuses on building apps and promoting apps. Precisely because we specialise in apps, we offer excellent value for money. Having an app created involves a process of several steps. We start with a comprehensive analysis so that it is clear what is needed and how we will achieve your success. We always work using the scrum methodology. Our experience shows that this leads to the best quality and well-functioning apps.

    scrum methodology

    app development and SevenLab's methodologies

    An make an app and development is done at SevenLab using the Scrum methodology. This means that we deliver a working component every fortnight during a Sprint. With this working method, we ensure that feedback is constantly and immediately processed while the app continues to be built. A very efficient way of working, which means your app will be live in no time. during an app development you have the best developers, the highest quality in app development at your disposal. Every fortnight, our certified developers are updated with the latest knowledge. This means not only that they code quickly and efficiently, but also that everyone is up to date with the latest developments and capabilities in app development and software. Solid technology: use of Laravel, Symphony, Angular, Vue, Ionic and NativeScript with a close-knit team in Amsterdam

    app management and quality assurance

    App management from SevenLab, what does that actually entail? Whether it's an existing or a new app project, we'll fix it for you.
    From our office in Amsterdam's Houthavens, our IT Accelerators help translate your needs into software requirements according to the SCRUM methodology.

    digital capability scorecard workshop

    Cost of having an app made and the possibilities

    Do you want a serious make an app, first decide what budget you want to allocate, then what technology best suits it. A 'real' app - i.e. a native custom-made app - will soon cost you € 25,000. The app stores are wonderful distribution platforms that stand for convenience and simplicity, but they certainly do not market your app. To get into the top lists, you will often have to achieve and keep achieving a lot of downloads in a short period of time to at least end up on the first page. You also definitely want to set aside ad budget on Facebook, Instagram or Adwords, for example. In addition, we want to stress that a cleverly designed landing page for helping and convincing potential users is very important. Just take a look at our cases what we did as.

    The google app review and next steps

    As you read, getting an app made is quite a process. After the app is submitted to Apple, it is on 'Waiting for Review'. After a few days, Apple reviewers will start reviewing and testing your app. Among other things, they look at the content, from which they determine the minimum age for download. The time allowed for this can vary from app to app. Apple aims to test 50% of new apps within 24 hours and within 48 hours they want to have checked 90% of new apps. If the above details are submitted correctly, and the app is technically sound then there is a good chance that your app will be accepted and officially available in the app store. When your app is published, Google checks the data and there are a number of automatic checks and tests that check your app. If there are no further irregularities, your app is basically approved and will be live in the Google Play store within a few hours. We at SevenLab also arrange this entire process for you. In short, we are your partner to make a great app and make it successful.

    We like to listen to your story and together we set to work to create value for your business. From the first thought to far beyond realisation.