UX/UI, What and Why?

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    The abbreviation UX/UI You must have heard of it. But what is it exactly? User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) are two important components in software development. So it certainly doesn't hurt to explain what they are and why you shouldn't overlook them!

    What is UX/UI?

    User Experience

    The term User Experience was created in the early 1990s by Apple employee Donald Norman. With a background in cognitive psychology, he was the first to apply behavioural research to software design and, as we all know, not exactly without success!

    UX is founded on research into the user and the problems that a software or digital solution might encounter. Before you start designing, it is important to collect as much relevant data as possible. This is done with research methods such as conducting interviews, surveys, field studies, focus groups or contextual inquiry. This involves looking at user behaviour, habits and emotions, both positive and negative. With the acquired data, so-called 'design opportunities' for the user can be identified and worked towards a solution. This will guide the design brainstorming and elaboration of the design. This foundation ensures that the final product will be seamless for the user and usable in the desired situation.

    Based on this, the UX/UI designer will design an end-to-end user experience. This is then tested inside and out and fine-tuned into the perfect user experience. Software is a living organism. Needs and problems change, so a digital solution must grow along with them, and UX is the most suitable tool for this!

    User Interface

    From the UX process, a ready-made design rolls out; the so-called 'mid fidelity wireframes'. This design already lays down exactly what will go where, how it should work and what tasks the user can perform.

    But... the this design is still a bit bare. That's where the User Interface (UI) comes in. UI is literally the shaping and colouring of the design that came out of the UX process. It goes beyond a bit of colouring in and again, the user remains the focus. UI applies elements from psychology, science and design to ensure that it is not only beautiful, but also functional, consistent and user-friendly. For example, it is important that the user gets the right feedback, the use of colour is appropriate and all design is consistently adhered to throughout.

    Why UX/UI?

    That sounds like a lot of work. Is it all worth it? The answer is: YES! If you want the user to use the app frequently and have an optimal user experience, it is highly recommended to apply UX/UI. Besides what you gain, it is also about what you exclude with UX/UI.

    If you do proper research into the user and match the design with this in the right way, you avoid developing a product that completely misses the mark! By applying UX/UI, you can be sure that a problem will actually be solved with a sustainable solution and very happy end users.

    Would you also like to design software with our UX/UI expert Syl, so that it fits seamlessly with the user? Feel free to send us a chat message!⬇️