Today, all kinds of industries are automated by means of software and computers. Whether you're talking about retail and transport or healthcare and industry. Installing an application on a server with Docker is as easy as installing a mobile app on your phone. In the long run, this can save a lot of time and therefore costs. Read how in this blog.

What is Docker?

To get an idea of why Docker is useful, it is useful to first know exactly what Docker is. This computer programme operates on operating-system-level virtualisation, also known as "containerisation". Containerisation is the packing of software into small bundles. The containers work in isolation from each other, with their own tools, libraries and configuration files. This allows them to work much faster than other virtual machines.

What is a container exactly?

In short, a container is a standardised unit containing everything needed to make an application work. In containers, software and all necessary codes are packaged in bundles. This allows the application to be sent from computer to computer. The process of creating, sending and deploying software is much faster this way. A container is a lightweight, stand-alone package of software that contains all the necessary elements to make an application work. This includes the code, runtime, settings and system tools and libraries.

Unique Properties of containers

  1. StandardThrough its collaboration with Microsoft, Docker has set the industry standard for containers. In this way, containers can be used everywhere;
  2. LightweightAll containers contain the same OS kernel. As a result, no specific OS is required per application. It therefore prevents a company from having to invest in multiple virtual systems, each needing its own OS. This allows applications to run faster because there is no need for a hypervisor. This increases server efficiency and reduces server and licence costs.
  3. SafeApplications are securely packaged in containers. Docker provides the strongest default isolation in the entire industry.

Docker and SevenLab

SevenLab and Docker go hand in hand. We use this programme from start to finish. Because SevenLab works with Scrum, we deliver part of the software every fortnight. Scrum is a method in which a team of specialists works towards a deadline in short sprints. Such a sprint takes a maximum of four weeks. The result of a sprint is a fully functioning piece of software. With Docker, the software part can be delivered to the customer. The customer can test the application immediately. The installation of programs to make the software work is unnecessary because of the containerisation that Docker applies. Everything that is needed to make the application work is in the container.

With Docker, SevenLab always works at the right pace. This allows us to shorten the 'feedback loop' considerably. The combination of Scrum and Docker ensures that delivery runs much more smoothly. It also significantly reduces the chance of miscommunication between SevenLab and the customer. All the requirements to make the application work are in the container. This way, there is no confusion about which system is needed for which application. Questions about Docker and SevenLab? Please contact contact on.