The UX trends of 2023

Every year, new methods and techniques emerge in the world of UX, responding to technological developments and changing user behaviour. We list the UX trends that will have a major impact on how organisations design and develop software in 2023 and beyond.

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    UXIn the developments of the current design landscape, three main pillars can be identified, namely a growing demand for Authenticity, the importance of minimising complexity and the need for responsive and compatible design. Below, our designers have highlighted some UX trends that fall under these.


    In a digital environment of automation and AI, there is a hunger for user authenticity. Users do not want to be a number, but to feel seen and understood as human beings. Behaviour design and Interactive design are UX trends that can contribute greatly to this.

    Behaviour Design

    UX designers are always looking for ways to improve the user experience. A relatively new area of focus is behaviour design. This approach takes into account users' psychological reactions and aims to influence their behaviour in a positive way. For example, a UX designer might use colour theory to create a calming interface for a relaxation app. Or he can use principles of gamification to make an educational app more engaging. By understanding the science of human behaviour, UX designers can create more effective and compelling designs. In the age of big data, behavioural design is likely to become an increasingly important tool in the UX designer's toolbox.

    Interactive design

    Interactive UX design is a process for designing user interfaces that allow users to interact with digital devices in an efficient and satisfying way. By allowing users to directly control the actions of the programmes they use, interactive UX design minimises the need for user guesswork and research. Moreover, well-designed interactive interfaces can be aesthetically pleasing and enjoyable to use, providing an additional level of satisfaction.

    Minimising complexity

    With the gigantic growth of data and functionalities, users can often no longer see the wood for the trees. The task for designers in the coming years is to minimise complexity and present complex systems and complicated data in an understandable way. This can be done, for instance, through storytelling methods and data visualisation.

    Storytelling in UX Design

    Storytelling is a powerful tool that can be used to engage and inspire users. If done well, it can create an emotional connection between the user and the product, leading to better retention and conversions. In the world of UX design, storytelling can be used to convey the brand message, explain complex concepts or simply make the user experience more enjoyable. When creating a story for UX purposes, it is important to always keep the user in mind. The story should be relevant to their needs and interests, and it should be told in an understandable way. Moreover, the story should be engaging and compelling enough to hold the user's attention from start to finish. By incorporating these elements into the storytelling, you can create a truly effective and memorable UX experience for your users.

    Data visualisation

    In the age of big data, it is more important than ever for designers to be able to visualise information in a way that is clear, concise and meaningful. Data visualisation has become one of the most popular trends in UX design for good reason. Well-executed data visualisation can help users understand large and complex data sets, identify patterns and trends, and make better-informed decisions. With the continued growth of big data, data visualisation is expected to become even more important in the coming years. By 2023, data visualisation will become the tool of choice for designers who want to help their users understand the world around them.

    Responsiveness and compatibility

    The devices we use are increasingly diverse. Software must be available on all types of tablets, smartphones, laptops and desktops and also remain adaptive for new devices. A number of tactics can be applied to keep design flexible. These include smart design systems, component libraries and cross device UX.

    Cross Device UX

    Cross-device UX design is fast becoming a must in today's world. With so many different devices and platforms, it can be difficult to create a consistent user experience across all of them. However, if you apply it properly, cross-device UX can create a more seamless experience for users. This makes it easier for them to navigate through your app or website. For a successful cross-device UX design, the designer must take into account the different screen sizes, input methods and operating systems. The designer must also ensure that the design is consistent across all devices. In addition, it is important that it responds well to changes in orientation and screen size.

    Design Systems

    The use of a design system and component library will continue to be a major trend in 2023. A design system is a collection of reusable components, patterns and rules that the designer can use to design consistent user interfaces. A component library is a collection of reusable components that you can use in designs. Using a design system and a component library is the best way to create user interfaces that look consistent. They also make it easy to update the designs, by releasing new versions of the design system or component library